Change Insights

Don’t leave your team to fill in the gaps

2nd July 2018

Jigsaw pieces

When Leading through Change we can share the WHAT & HOW of the plan but at times fail to offer the missing link that is the WHY.

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How can I possibly do it all?

15th August 2017


Summer breaks are the time we typically make those ‘work-life balance’ promises to ourselves and our families, ever heard yourself saying…

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There is a reason we have 2 ears and only 1 mouth!

13th February 2017

Whether you believe it to be commercial hype or enjoy the spoiling of Valentines, what it does do is remind us all to invest a little more time in our personal relationships. We believe this is true for your business relationships too, and in order for them to flourish we must consider both sides, what we can give as well as what we can receive…and we are not talking about roses & chocolates here!

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The Power of MEEE…

14th November 2016


Working with Leaders of today and tomorrow is massively rewarding, typically they come with a number of years’ experience under their belt and are seeking ways to make a step change in their performance, in an existing or new role.

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The journey of a Leader: Looking at ME!

30th September 2016

Journey of a leader...

We just love chatting to Business Leaders and finding out about the journey that has taken them to where they are today, and we wanted to share this Leaders story with you as it really does highlight the difference that can be made to performance, when we put people at the heart of what we do…

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The Coaching Stigma

6th September 2016

tennis-3 ball

Some people don’t like the idea of coaching, because they think it means admitting that they have ‘problem’, or a ‘weakness’. But think about this…

Andy Murray is ranked number two in the world at tennis, and he is reigning Wimbledon and Olympic champion. He has won nearly $50 million in prize money from his spectacular sporting prowess. 

Do you think he’s embarrassed to have a tennis coach? No way.

Having a coach doesn’t mean admitting that you’re not good enough. It means acknowledging that you want to get EVEN BETTER. 

And who doesn’t want that?

Knowing just isn’t enough…

28th July 2016

Knowing vs Doing (Blog pic)

We hear Business Leaders saying “That is nothing new, I know  that already” – which then triggers the question – “That’s great, so what are you doing about it?”

With Bupa research finding that less than 7% of employees say they are working to their full potential, the move from ‘knowing’ to ‘doing’ becomes a question of significant business importance.

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Navigating the oceans of Change…

30th June 2016

Navigating the oceans of change

Change in business is as inevitable as is the ocean –  waves up and down, tides in and out! Yet through our research and experience we find that Change is often delegated out and or treated as a separate project.

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Coaching Ants

16th June 2016

Watch an ant become trapped inside a circle drawn onto a sheet of paper, endlessly trapped by its own perception of an insurmountable barrier.

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Happy Chickens lay more eggs!

2nd June 2016

Happy Chickens lay more eggs

In today’s world we all want more out of life – more time to get the job done, more time off, more time with the family, more time to work on our side projects and pet passions. And if you’re anything like me, more sleep!

And whilst this ‘wanting more’ is fuelling fantastic shifts in behaviours as we strive to be more efficient, it is also inevitably creating ‘less’ (or the perception of less at least) at the same time.

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