Our clients say we are...
"Organised" "Enthusiastic" "Positive" "Encouraging" "Engaging" "Action-Focussed"

Our clients say we are...
"Thought-Provoking" "Motivating" "Collaborative" "Creative" "Calm"

Our clients say we are...
"Inspirational" "Focussed" "Understanding" "Considerate" "Challenging"

Why and Who

We have helped our clients deliver:

increase in turnover within 6 months

of operating cost benefits realised within 6 months

increase in employee engagement achieved over 18 months

removed from consultancy budget by enabling internal teams

of Support Team of the Year 2013

decentralised Operating Model delivered within 8 months

8 Week
planning process reduced to just 2 days

...and many more...

We will enable you to have choice and make the right business decisions that...

  • Increase your speed to act
  • Meet your customers need
  • Make not waste money!

We Have Worked With...

Co-operative Group

Frazer John Recruitment


Manchester Airport Group (MAG)


United Utilities

Chester University

Lancaster University

Manchester Business School


Portal Business Centres

Local Authorities

Read what they have to say...

Typically we work with change leaders who want to do something different and guarantee they bring the team with them.

Some examples of the changes experienced are:

  • Strategy and Business Planning
  • Leadership & Team Performance
  • Organisational Change such as mergers, acquisitions & restructures
  • Performance & efficiency change initiatives
  • Building an internal Change capability

If you want to find out more about what we do, and how we could help you and your organisation, please get in touch via hello@acceleratedchange.guru