At Accelerated Change we equip leaders and teams to create lasting conditions for growth and change

Meet Us

Anna and Michelle share a purpose and passion to increase the rate of change success in business today!

They bring over 30 years of business change experience, with performance coaching, accelerated learning, consulting and facilitation skills to successfully support organisations to deliver change through their people.

"We set up Accelerated Change because we wanted to make change an exciting, rewarding and beneficial experience for individuals at the same time as increasing business capability and impacting the all important bottom-line! Change is no longer an option - its happening now - and when it's part of 'what we do', organisations thrive. If this step-forward in your people and business capability sounds like something your organisation would benefit from, or you are curious to find out a bit more, get in touch and lets have a chat!"

Anna Keep

anna @

Anna on LinkedIn

"I believe that every change brings the potential for learning and growth, and that it is often the changes we fear the most that give us the biggest personal benefit.

Dealing with change can be tough, and that is why I am passionate about making what can be a very complicated and 'hard' process, into a fun, learning and all-round beneficial experience. An experience where individuals thrive, and the teams and organisations they work in gain the skills and confidence to change for the better, again and again.

This capability creates competent leaders, entrepreneurs and teams who can achieve anything - now that's where things get really exciting!!"

Michelle Wyn-Jones

michelle @

Michelle on LinkedIn

"Far too often I have seen that change has become a negative experience for both the people involved and the performance of the organisation, and I truly believe it doesn't have to be this way!

Change presents as many opportunities for people as it can challenges, and through utilising a coaching based approach, it really opens your eyes to what can be collectively achieved when you effectively involve, connect and build accountability with your people.

What gets me up in the morning is supporting leaders to create cultures where their people want to learn, own, deliver and enjoy being part of change together. Organisations and teams are much more agile and successful when they work this way and empower their people to play their part!"

This is our core team - we also work with Associates


"Their approach is hands-on, tailored & always focused on delivering results that have lasting benefits to individuals and teams. A year on, the team is still delivering improvements."

T. Williams - Manchester Airport Group

"You consistently challenged us to think differently & creatively. We now understand ourselves and our clients better. You always help us to get the job done!"

J. Scott - Social Rel8

"I came away buzzing. In a very short time we were dealing with real business issues. I came away with an action plan and several tools & techniques to work with. Highly recommended!"

C. Livera - Clearly, Simply, Truly

"As a team we understand each other better and can now focus upon the work rather than the noise. I will be accountable so I need to step up."

Deputy Head, Kelsall Primary

"My coaching sessions really opened my eyes to the inner me"

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I found my coaching sessions really opened my eyes to the inner me.

What I mean by that is Anna helped me realise what drives me, what makes me tick. This has then enabled me to get myself back on form to handle whatever life throws at me. Anna is extremely insightful and read me well throughout the sessions which helped us work well together to get to both route problems and find solutions that work for me. I also never felt as if the process was restricted to the hour sessions and sought guidance on some of the outputs even out of work time. In short this worked for me and I would highly recommend everyone to work with Anna if they had the opportunity.

Christine - Serco

"Michelle is an experienced change management consultant who is used to operating at an executive level"

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I had the pleasure of working with Michelle on a number of key projects, most recently as part of a significant restructuring/change project. Michelle is an experienced change management consultant who is used to operating at an executive level. She supported complex programmes and was known for her strong organisation skills and her tenacity, as well as her ability to 'get her sleeves rolled up'.

Michelle is focused, dedicated and calm under pressure, and had a good reputation as someone who delivered - as evidenced by the fact that everyone always wanted her to work on their projects!

L Brooks - HR Director at Endsleigh Insurance

"Of particular value to me as a long serving Airline Manager was Anna's team player mind-set, enthusiastic embrace of change and unwavering commitment to exceeding customer expectations"

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I was initially impressed with Anna Keep's enthusiasm, communication skills and professional demeanor when I worked with her recently at Manchester Airport in my capacity as Chair of the Airline Operators Committee. During her time at the airport in the Customer Experience arena Anna consistently demonstrated all of these qualities and more, and I heartily endorse her for any customer experience position.

Anna is reliable, dedicated and eternally upbeat. Her ability to calm expectant and frustrated customers is unparalleled. Anna multi-tasks effectively and is able to handle a high-volume workload. She consistently met or surpassed all of our communities expectations and offered a fresh and dynamic approach to what is a complex and multi-faceted operation.

Of particular value to me as a long serving airline manager was Anna's team player mind-set, enthusiastic embrace of change and unwavering commitment to exceeding customer expectations. I regularly received unsolicited praise from customers and colleagues alike commending Anna's outstanding level of service, professionalism and follow-through.

Organized and diligent, Anna quickly learned the numerous complexities associated with a modern hub airport that were unfamiliar to her when she first started at Manchester, and through her drive for excellence she played a major part in aiding American Airlines Manchester to receive the prestigious award of the most improved station for customer service 2013!

Anna is a hard-working, top-performing customer service professional. She has my highest recommendation.

P Morris - Area General Manager UKI at United Airlines