Change Insights

Accelerating Change the Race Day Way!

24th January 2015

Interestingly the race day is only 0.001% of the story, as we found out after much Google-ing!

Lewis Hamilton (192/365) by Andrew W. Rennie (cropped)

Read about our five race day lessons to achieving sustainable, accountable and successful change in business today!

1. Winning and creating sustained success happens as a result of playing the long game of strategic planning, creating the right alliances and sponsors, investing in long term research around design and not forgetting that the race itself is won and lost in the preparation before and the connected support during the race.

2. They are focused upon delivery when it matters, working tirelessly to remove ‘wasted’ time, and taking the team-time to understand the highs, lows, in-betweens, and plan the approach for next time.

3. Their success is not an accident, or down to one person, and it isn’t decided on the day alone.  It cannot happen without hours of discussion highlighting ALL the angles honestly and positively.

4. It happens when team members are highly-skilled and informed, with clear personal accountabilities and experience, who know the ropes and what part each must play and contribute to the team.

5. It would not happen without the further insights that come from analysing, making sense of and taking proactive actions based on actual events – the good, the bad and the bloomin’ ugly.

Using this insight along with talking to over 30 change professionals, has informed our fast-paced approach to change, and our clients are already seeing results – not only quickly, but also seeing that they last, and so don’t require the long term investment many change programmes do!