Change Insights

Penguin wobbles

9th September 2015

Penguins Wobble Blog

Your team is having a wobble, what do you typically do? Wobble along with them or hold them up during times of change?

It’s only natural that when everyone around you is questioning the change vision you might start to question it too, right? But think for a moment, does the team really want to go backwards or are they looking for someone to hold them up and help them to move forwards? They just don’t yet know how to do it for themselves and that’s where great leaders and managers come into their own during times of change.

When we go through any change we typically travel through three phases, but be warned everyone will go through them at different paces!

1. First off we need to let go of the past and openly acknowledge that we are leaving something behind, you could experience excitement, mourning or resistance which are all natural reactions and will be unique to each individual. Acknowledgement and empathy is a great skill here but be careful not to allow everyone to wallow for too long! Planning goes a long way here too…

2. Next we enter into a phase of transition or ‘uncertainty’ where the future hasn’t quite been figured out, and this can be where the wobbles really take over. This is about refocusing the noise into proactive action, where the team starts to figure out the answers together, and you may need to reinforce the message that there is no going back!

3. Finally we will arrive at our new beginnings – it feels good when we get there and we are learning how to operate in the new way. It’s when the mind and heart begin to accept the new, although initially we can be apprehensive. Quick wins, celebration and recognition for the right behaviors will help to embed the change.

The golden thread to holding up the team throughout change is communication and we don’t mean one way tell, we are talking about taking the time to share information, question and truly listening to your people. Change only really happens when individuals start to take action – so talk to them, let them know you are there for them and invite them to get involved.

Confidence, conviction and consistency in your behaviour and the messages you share is also key, and if you remember just one thing from this blog it is…keep taking steps forwards and don’t look back!

So what more could you be doing to steady the wobbles?