Change Insights

Permission to say that…

19th October 2015

Blog - permission to say that

Why do we sometimes hold back and don’t give ourselves permission to say what we really want to say? Maybe because its a difficult message, maybe it might make us a bit vulnerable, maybe we just don’t think its business like to share what we are feeling as well as thinking?

Many times we have heard leaders questioned themselves about what they really want to be saying to their peers and teams – only to look and say “Can I really say that?”…our response is always “Hell yes, if its fair and ethical then why not?”.

We are great believers that whilst natural rapport happens, relationships definitely need investing in and at times that requires you to take a leap of faith and give yourself permission to say the things you really want to say! Let’s be honest it is usually because we really care that these conversations niggle away at us and we think that’s a great place to start from.

There is usually a very good intention behind what we really want to say, but as human beings we can get ourselves stuck through fear of having the right conversation, only to find that when we are courageous and open up a bit more it is typically well received and relationships naturally develop to a deeper level of trust. During change being authentic and genuine as a leader or manager will make you stand out from the rest, when you do this you allow the other person(s) to see that you care, understand you or the situation better and set them up to be able to respond most effectively. How else do you expect them to rise to the challenge if you are not being as honest as you could be?

So what are you holding back from addressing?

  • A relationship that you feel could be better
  • Seeking help off others to solve a problem
  • Giving positive feedback on a job well done
  • Giving feedback on a job not so well done
  • Sharing when you are not on board or concerned
  • Empathising about a difficult change being faced

Take a moment to have a think, if you could say what you really wanted to say to help improve things in your business…

  1. What might that be and who would you want to say it to?
  2. What’s the worst that could happen by being a bit braver?
  3. How could sharing a bit more help you build trusted relationships?
  4. How would you & other benefit from it?

Trust yourself and have a go at being a bit more open with others this week – experience tells us time and time again it will be well received!