Change Insights

Coaching Ants

16th June 2016

Watch an ant become trapped inside a circle drawn onto a sheet of paper, endlessly trapped by its own perception of an insurmountable barrier.

On the face of it, this seems ridiculous – we can see that the ant could easily walk over the line if it tried – but how often do we find ourselves in the same position?

Trapped by a challenge we imagine cannot be overcome. This amazing video shows what we at Accelerated Change have known all along – that many of our issues and barriers to personal progress exist primarily within our own minds. Our perceptions hold us back, and we are tied down by the baggage of what we *think* we know about our circumstances.

The ant simply needs a little ‘push’ to get it over the line, past the wall in it’s mind. If it had the courage and support to try to overcome this challenge, imagine the freedom and confidence it would feel on the other side.

This feels like a pretty good definition of what coaching does.