Change Insights

The “New Year, New You” Trap

18th February 2015

“New Year, New You”

You probably heard that phrase a million times in January, and by the end of the month, you were almost certainly sick of it.

New Year New You?

The intention was laudable, of course. Anything that gets us to evaluate our life, decide upon some changes, and start actioning them in earnest is obviously good.

But how has it endured, now that we’re approaching March? Are the changes you made still going strong? Or have the resolutions fallen by the wayside, now that the ‘New Year’ isn’t so new any more…?

The strangest thing is that we even feel the need to wait until the start of a new year before we decide to take action.

And when the initial optimism we felt on 1st January starts to fade (by about February time), the ‘New You’ that you were so proud of starts inevitably slipping back into being the ‘Old You’ again. How odd that we feel helpless to do anything about it, other than accept eleven more miserable months of the same old status-quo before we get another chance to evaluate and decide on a new course of action.

If we’re not careful, our New Year’s Resolutions can paralyse us, preventing us from making changes any other time of year.

Setting goals, and monitoring them, needs to be a year-round thing.

If we fall into the trap of only evaluating our situation and deciding on actions once a year, we’re not really giving ourselves a fair chance in this ever-changing world.

So how about:

“New Month, New You”


“New Week, New You”

Or even…

“New Day, New You”?

Much better.