Change Insights

Why Change Management is Like Fertiliser?

23rd September 2015

Autumn Leaves

Stick with us for a minute here – we’ll explain why…

As autumn sets in and the leaves turn brown and fall off the trees, our thoughts naturally turn to change management…

Wait, you mean autumn doesn’t make you think of change management?! Shame on you! ;o)

Autumn is a time for change obviously, as we transition from summer to winter. As the leaves fall, we see nature’s ingenious sustainability – the fallen vegetation is absorbed by the earth, returning nutrients to the soil. This self-sustaining virtuous circle provides the fuel to allow the tree to continue growing.

The fuel for growth comes from within the tree itself. Wow.

But what-the-foliage has this got to do with change management? Good question!

Replace the tree with a business. Replace the leaves with the five C’s – Accelerated Change’s building blocks for change.

Clarity – seeing and understanding the vision of the future
Confidence – believing that the vision is achievable and worthwhile
Connection – bringing people together within the shared vision
Capacity – allowing people the space and time to achieve the vision
Capability – giving the team the skills they need to make the vision a reality

What do you get? An organisation that contains everything it needs to grow itself, resulting in quality, quicker and less costly sustainable performance.

And that means some mighty big trees…stick with us to find out more on how