Change Insights

Why Change Management is Like Fertiliser?

23rd September 2015

Autumn Leaves

Stick with us for a minute here – we’ll explain why…

As autumn sets in and the leaves turn brown and fall off the trees, our thoughts naturally turn to change management…

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Penguin wobbles

9th September 2015

Penguins Wobble Blog

Your team is having a wobble, what do you typically do? Wobble along with them or hold them up during times of change?

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Coaching and Spaghetti

24th August 2015

Coaching and Spaghetti

Your Plan?

Getting from A to B. Simple, right?

Erm, no.

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The “New Year, New You” Trap

18th February 2015

“New Year, New You”

You probably heard that phrase a million times in January, and by the end of the month, you were almost certainly sick of it.

New Year New You?

The intention was laudable, of course. Anything that gets us to evaluate our life, decide upon some changes, and start actioning them in earnest is obviously good.

But how has it endured, now that we’re approaching March? Are the changes you made still going strong? Or have the resolutions fallen by the wayside, now that the ‘New Year’ isn’t so new any more…?

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Accelerating Change the Race Day Way!

24th January 2015

Interestingly the race day is only 0.001% of the story, as we found out after much Google-ing!

Lewis Hamilton (192/365) by Andrew W. Rennie (cropped)

Read about our five race day lessons to achieving sustainable, accountable and successful change in business today!

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