Change Insights

Don’t leave your team to fill in the gaps

2nd July 2018

Jigsaw pieces

When Leading through Change we can share the WHAT & HOW of the plan but at times fail to offer the missing link that is the WHY.

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High Performing Businesses – does size matter?

15th March 2016

Big vs Small Learnings

One of the most exciting things about business today is that large and small organisations are playing in the same playground. The advent of the information age, along with rapid technological advancements, have given birth to a global marketplace where everyone is invited. 

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Change without People Isn’t Really Change

26th January 2016


I recently had the pleasure of seeing first hand what happens when a business makes a change and doesn’t bring its people along for the ride. Well, I say pleasure – it was actually a very painful experience, but it does a great job of illustrating why any business change needs to have people at its core.

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Rocks. Pebbles. Sand.

1st December 2015

Pebbles on a Beach

The old story goes that a world-weary professor silently walks into his lecture theatre with a large glass jar, and starts filling it with rocks. Once he has done this, he asks the class – “Is the jar full?”. The students see that the rocks have reached the top of the jar and respond – “Yes”.

The professor then produces a bag of pebbles and commences to pour it into the jar. The pebbles neatly fill the gaps between the rocks. Once again the professor asks – “Is the jar full?”, and once again the class responds – “Yes”.

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Teach a Man(ager) to Fish

11th November 2015

Man Fishing

The saying goes something like this…

“Give a man a fish
and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish
and he’ll eat for a lifetime.”

This concept was used to great effect in the iconic Oxfam Advert in the 1990s.

The message was simple, yet brilliant… the starving people in Africa didn’t need a charitable handout that kept them one step away from the poverty line for the rest of their lives, dependent on foreign handouts forever. What they needed was the skills and training to work themselves out of poverty.

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Ramsay’s recipe for Change…

28th October 2015

Blog G Ramsay 2

Whilst watching Gordon Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen recently it got us thinking about the recipe he uses to help businesses make change happen and grow. We wanted to share the key ingredients we see him using, and we promise there won’t be any cursing on our menu!

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Why Change Management is Like Fertiliser?

23rd September 2015

Autumn Leaves

Stick with us for a minute here – we’ll explain why…

As autumn sets in and the leaves turn brown and fall off the trees, our thoughts naturally turn to change management…

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Penguin wobbles

9th September 2015

Penguins Wobble Blog

Your team is having a wobble, what do you typically do? Wobble along with them or hold them up during times of change?

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Accelerating Change the Race Day Way!

24th January 2015

Interestingly the race day is only 0.001% of the story, as we found out after much Google-ing!

Lewis Hamilton (192/365) by Andrew W. Rennie (cropped)

Read about our five race day lessons to achieving sustainable, accountable and successful change in business today!

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