Change Insights

Don’t leave your team to fill in the gaps

2nd July 2018

Jigsaw pieces

When Leading through Change we can share the WHAT & HOW of the plan but at times fail to offer the missing link that is the WHY.

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Happy Chickens lay more eggs!

2nd June 2016

Happy Chickens lay more eggs

In today’s world we all want more out of life – more time to get the job done, more time off, more time with the family, more time to work on our side projects and pet passions. And if you’re anything like me, more sleep!

And whilst this ‘wanting more’ is fuelling fantastic shifts in behaviours as we strive to be more efficient, it is also inevitably creating ‘less’ (or the perception of less at least) at the same time.

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Do Leaders ever stop learning to lead?

10th May 2016

AC do ION May 2016

Driving along the stunning North Wales coast line, the sun was out (the shades were on!) as we excitedly chatting about what the day ahead had in store, we had that feeling it was going to be good! 

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Fuelling Team Performance

29th March 2016

genuine conversations picture-page-001 (1)
Jayne works in a large technology based business, heading up the Design division and a team of 50. Like many other leaders in any given week she attends numerous meetings, which she says can vary in productivity and experience. We asked her to have a loaf about why this might be…

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Change without People Isn’t Really Change

26th January 2016


I recently had the pleasure of seeing first hand what happens when a business makes a change and doesn’t bring its people along for the ride. Well, I say pleasure – it was actually a very painful experience, but it does a great job of illustrating why any business change needs to have people at its core.

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Permission to say that…

19th October 2015

Blog - permission to say that

Why do we sometimes hold back and don’t give ourselves permission to say what we really want to say? Maybe because its a difficult message, maybe it might make us a bit vulnerable, maybe we just don’t think its business like to share what we are feeling as well as thinking?

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Accelerating Change the Race Day Way!

24th January 2015

Interestingly the race day is only 0.001% of the story, as we found out after much Google-ing!

Lewis Hamilton (192/365) by Andrew W. Rennie (cropped)

Read about our five race day lessons to achieving sustainable, accountable and successful change in business today!

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