Change Insights

Trade now…the odds are high!

8th February 2016

Blog - trade now the odds are high!

Everyday we attend meetings with Clients and Colleagues, where we are trying to make a positive impact, right? But why is it that some people seem to easily command a room, whilst others are left floundering and getting tied up in knots? Do you want to know their secret? We do…

It’s all about trading…let us tell you more.

We were recently introduced to the following Leadership model by Professor Hawkins (Professor of Leadership at Henley Business School), who states that in order to effectively influence and make the right impact there are three areas on which we can all trade. Think of a triangle with each corner representing one of the following…

AUTHORITY – the past – you bring this with you into the room, it is based upon your past experiences, achievements, knowledge and all the other great things you have done or learnt. Others may already know this, but often we are asked or need to share our credibility. Have you done something similar before? What is your experience in this area? Why you?

PRESENCE – the now – this is how you behave in the room, it is about understanding and responding to the here and now, the rapport you build, listening and being attentive, the way you say things, your projection and enthusiasm, body language is key too. Think about those who you think do this well – What is it that they do? What can you learn? What more could you be doing?

IMPACT– the future – this is all too do with the shifts you are trying to make happen for those in the room, it could be movement in mindset or emotions. It is about being very clear as to what you want to be different or create. It could be as simple as a question or reflection, or a proposal on what could be different – how & why. Without ‘impact’ then nothing really changes!

Having these three up your sleeve can help you to accelerate your ability to influence others and make that impact you desire, it is all about checking in with yourself real time and balancing the areas you are trading across. Unsurprisingly the centre of the triangle has the word ‘Confidence’.

Trading across the three well results in confidence and conviction.

Hawkins argues that most of us typically trade in one or two of the areas most of the time, which leads us to ask you the questions…

1. Where do you believe you typically trade in meetings? (Past, Now, Future)

2. What is the impact of relying on one or two areas too much?

3. What could you do more of to increase your trading effectiveness?

Good luck and enjoy trading…the odds are high!