Change Insights

How can I possibly do it all?

15th August 2017


Summer breaks are the time we typically make those ‘work-life balance’ promises to ourselves and our families, ever heard yourself saying…

“When I get back to the office things will be different, I am going to reduce my evening & weekend working, I’ll get to the gym more, I’ll spend more time with the family, I’ll be less stressed…”

We have great intentions but within the space of a few weeks our old habits kick back in, many of us feel we can never ‘turn off’ and in some cases it has become the norm to work around the clock.

We believe there are FOUR interconnected areas in the ‘life balance’ conundrum, each having a knock on effect to the other, meaning when we try to compartmentalise an area we tend to run into trouble in another!

Think about those times when work has been crazy, what’s been the knock on effect in the other 3 areas of your life? Likewise when we have things going on in our personal lives how does this impact our performance at work?

There is no right or wrong answer to the question ‘How can I possibly do it all?’

But with work taking up on average 34%* of our waking time each week, then it is no surprise that we question our ability to ‘do it all’ a lot!

The answer lies in individual balance and choice, identifying what the right balance is for YOU across these areas, long with making the choices about the things you are willing to say YES and NO to in each area in order to achieve this. We also need to recognise that things will happen out of our control. As I return from maternity leave these are questions I am asking myself a lot at the moment!

So what are willing to say YES & NO to?

Michelle & Anna

“There is no such thing as work life balance. There are work-life choices, and you make them, and they have consequences” Jack Welch

*Office for National Statistics state the average actual weekly hours of work for full-time workers in the UK in 2017 is 37.6 and we’ve assumed 8 hours sleep per night (generous we know!)