Change Insights

Knowing just isn’t enough…

28th July 2016

Knowing vs Doing (Blog pic)

We hear Business Leaders saying “That is nothing new, I know  that already” – which then triggers the question – “That’s great, so what are you doing about it?”

With Bupa research finding that less than 7% of employees say they are working to their full potential, the move from ‘knowing’ to ‘doing’ becomes a question of significant business importance.

We typically find it isn’t the not ‘knowing’ that holds us back, but the turning of knowledge into action and ‘doing’ something different. We have also found that this is rarely due to a lack of desire to make a change happen, and is much more likely to be our inner confidence and beliefs holding us back.

We recently started collaborating with an exciting new venture, it is called My VA Business and is a full ‘in a box’ (not literally!) solution to enable budding business owners to build up a successful Virtual Assistant business working from home, think of it as a virtual PA service for Small Business Owners. Research quickly told us that whilst many loved the idea and felt they had the right skills to do the job, a lack of confidence was holding them back from taking that first step – “Can I really do this?”, “What if I can’t get any clients?”, “What if I fail?”, “What if…what if…”

Which is where we come in with our 10 part ‘Boost Programme’ – to achieve greater confidence in Business Leadership. This has really got our juices flowing about the key things that can get in the way and hold us all back from taking action, even when we really want to!

Here are few questions we are loafing about at the moment, what do you think?

  • What really motivates you, and are you seeking out roles that fill you up?We have much more energy & drive when we do things that we enjoy.
  • How much are you focusing upon the strengths you don’t have vs those you do?Know your strengths & maximise them, don’t focus too heavily on plugging the gaps. 
  • What beliefs do you currently have that are holding you back?We can re-write our thoughts so that they are more positive & empowering to you.
  • How much accountability do you take over decisions & actions?How we choose to respond to situations determines our own outcomes & success.
  • When something goes wrong, do you typically see it as a failure or an opportunity to learn?A learning mind-set builds your resilience and helps to propel you further forward.

We could have a well-stocked Leadership & Management ‘kit-bag’, but if we don’t have the belief and inner confidence to take action then we will likely struggle to move from the place of ‘knowing’ what to do…to ‘doing’ something about it!

If only 7% of us are at our full potential, then consider the impact you can make by unlocking the action and potential in the 93%!?