Change Insights

The Power of MEEE…

14th November 2016


Working with Leaders of today and tomorrow is massively rewarding, typically they come with a number of years’ experience under their belt and are seeking ways to make a step change in their performance, in an existing or new role.

It may surprise you (or not!) to know that they are often seeking to gain greater confidence in order to achieve new things, and let’s be honest we can all feel like we are a bit off track or winging it at times!

Understanding who you are, what you do naturally well and how you tick are critical components to personal performance success (Leader or not!), it is all about getting to know yourself better, liking what you see and playing to your strengths! All of this builds inner confidence, the catalyst to achieving things you never thought possible.

One leader recently fed back to us on their experience of working together…

“The results have been beyond my expectations. It has been nothing short of life changing, it has given me the inner confidence that I’d been looking for and made me understand more about myself than I previously thought capable.”

Here’s the thing, imagine the positive impact that can be gained from developing such personal insights and confidence much earlier on in your career or even whilst in education?

Different opportunities and choices open up to us all when we are better able to connect our motivators and strengths to what we do or aspire to do, this applies to us all and becomes relevant from a young age. Empowering people to understand and believe in who they are is what MEEE Global excels at, and that is why we are super excited to be a part of the programme.

Unlocking this potential through MEEE is proven to be really very powerful on a number of levels, from Education through to Employment. For example…

  • Increased employment success rates
  • Higher retention levels
  • Increased people engagement
  • Reduced stress / anxiety levels
  • People welfare & well-being investment
  • Positive community impacts (including CSR)


Click here to find out more about the MEEE programme and how it is helping to address those hard to tackle issues facing Education, Employment & Enterprise today.