Change Insights

There is a reason we have 2 ears and only 1 mouth!

13th February 2017

Whether you believe it to be commercial hype or enjoy the spoiling of Valentines, what it does do is remind us all to invest a little more time in our personal relationships. We believe this is true for your business relationships too, and in order for them to flourish we must consider both sides, what we can give as well as what we can receive…and we are not talking about roses & chocolates here!

We are seeing a significant shift in how people are seeking to work and succeed today, with 88% of the workforce of the future (millennials) preferring a collaborative working culture than a competitive one, and with innovation and creativity being two big success factors of the moment, successfully working with others is on the up!

But how do you ensure you are building successful relationships in your business life? Today we want to share with you our top four ‘relationship’ tips from our ‘BOOST Performance’ online programme.

1) Relationships have feelings
Being clear on what is and what is not expected within the relationship makes such a difference, although being honest, most of us hardly ever get really clear at the beginning.  Spending time over a coffee marking out what is expected, how often and when can save hours or days of wasted time, confusion and effort.

2) Relationships are living things
Relationships are created, need nurturing, and will grow and evolve over time. To have an expectation of bumper fruit on a tomato plant that you have not fed is futile – relationships are the same and thrive when we invest learning, time and improvements in them.3) Relationships succeed

When we give to others, we get it back! Being genuine in your relationships, considering the other persons needs and not purely giving to receive makes the difference. Sometimes we can lose sight of what we can give back – and when we do this, it can cause cracks to appear.

4) Relationships are like Cats

There is a reason we have 2 ears and only 1 mouth! “Most People do not listen with the intent to understand. Most people listen to reply” – a Stephen Covey quote that delivers quite a blow every time we hear it. We all have so much to say and to share, however those who worry less about “a good response” – but rather the “right response” can and will make a big difference daily.

Looking after your relationships as they grow, being honest and equal in them, along with staying curious will all help to keep them healthy.  We don’t and you may not, remember all 4 ‘tips’ all the time and that’s ok, here are a few prompt questions when thinking about your relationships with your colleagues & clients…

  • How clear are the expectations of either side of this relationship right now?
  • What further investment (if any) could we make in this relationship right now?
  • What else could I give that would help them right now?

If you would like to know more about our BOOST Performance online programme, understand more or grow a relationship, please do get in touch as we would love to chat further.